Day75: Emoji during the election

Posted by csiu on May 10, 2017 | with: 100daysofcode

Yesterday was the BC Election day. Today I want to see what emojis were tweeted during the election day (May 9th, 2017) to #BCVotes2017.

The R Markdown for this little project is found here.


  1. Connect to Twitter and obtain tweets from specific hashtag
  2. Tidy tweets
  3. Count number of emojis
  4. Visualize plot


  • Most people tweeted the “white heavy check mark”
  • The “fearful face” was interestingly more popular then the “smiling face with smiling eyes” and the “smiling face with open mouth and smiling eyes”
  • Same number of people tweeted the “thumbs up sign” and “winking face”

Future work

  • Figure out why not all emojis were displayed
  • Compare the emojis posted after the election