Day45: GitHub repos

Posted by csiu on April 10, 2017 | with: 100daysofcode

As a break, I thought I would spruce up my old GitHub repos. By no means is this task complete. This is just the start.

GitHub repos

I have 29 GitHub repositories (“repos”), 18 of which are public.

Status: I’m okay with these

blog My blog Home page
hmmpickr Pick the model whose states are the most well-defined (R package)
kick Analyzing Kickstarter data
default A repository for template and configuration files
shiny-server Collection of misc shiny apps
coursework-stat545 My 2015 STAT545-UBC coursework
foofactor R package for foo-ing factors (STAT545 class assignment)
candysurvey R package: 2015 candy survey data
skyscraper R package: 100 Tallest Completed Buildings in the World

Status: Needs work

CV out of date
100daysofcode out of date
kaggle messy
promi2 messy

Status: What was I thinking?

tokens Archive (dump) of old stuff
ssGeneDisplay Test repo for
bionotes EDIT: Files moved to "tokens" & repo has been removed on April 14, 2014

Status: To do

With regards to my MSc code base (set to private for now), I plan refactor the code (so it’s in a less embarrassing state) and make it public.

ASIDE: Writing markdown table

Writing markdown tables is a pain. Too much typing is involved – especially writing the line between the header and data rows. I therefore wrote a simple shell script to take simple input and reformat it into proper markdown table format.

Here is an example of simple input:

Header1 | Header2 | Header3
row1-col | row1-col2 | row1-col3
next row = row2 | add more text | harder to read

and the resulting properly markdown table reformatted output:

| Header1 | Header2 | Header3 |
| row1-col | row1-col2 | row1-col3 |
| next row = row2 | add more text | harder to read |

It’s funny. I wrote the script first, but it turns out it wasn’t really that useful for writing this post. -- csiu