Day92: Setting up Travis CI

Posted by csiu on May 27, 2017 | with: 100daysofcode

In the next part of creating a simple python package, I figure out how to enable continuous integration with Travis CI on the minimal python package which I started a couple days ago.

In software engineering, continuous integration (CI) is the practice of merging all developer working copies to a shared mainline several times a day.

Travis CI

While discussing good software practices with people, I often hear about Travis CI or see a “.travis.yml” file in a GitHub repo.

According to Joshua Anderson (stackoverflow, 2014), Travis CI will run your program’s tests every time you commit to GitHub, which will quickly tell if your commit was okay or the commit broke something and you need to fix it before it becomes a problem.

Using Travis CI

To get started with Travis CI, you do the following:

  1. Sign in to Travis CI with your GitHub account
  2. Enable repos (on the profile page) to use Travis CI
  3. Add a .travis.yml file to the repos (to tell Travis CI what to build)
  4. Trigger your first build with a git push
  5. Check the build status page to see if your build passes or fails

Specifying the “.travis.yml” file

Looking in the python specification of .travis.yml, to use Travis I (1) specified the Python version, and (2) specified the command to test the software.

language: python
  - "2.7"
# command to run tests
  - python tests/

Here python tests/ is the test to be ran, and the content of this script is:

print("Hello world from Travis CI")

Checking Travis

Once Travis is setup (with the tests and the .travis.yml file), you can look in Travis to check the status of the tests.

Here we see the script “tests/” has ran successfully.